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18 min read

This Week's [in]Security - Issue 296

This Week's [in]Security - Issue 296

Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. Payment fraud. New breaches: Multiple Android Vendor Code Signing Keys, Amazon RDS, GoTo, more on WhatsApp, Twitter, & LastPass. New Ransomware: Wipers, Paying out. Downs. Privacy: border surveillance, repairs. Laws & Regs - Canada, US, World, Fines, Enforcements & Lawsuits: MD5 fine. UK & Mastercard, Standards. BYOD. Emerging: AI, Cryptography, Quantum. Defense - Tools & Techniques. Vulnerabilities - Advisories: Hive hit by irresponsible disclosure, Research: Cybercrime - active campaigns, crimes & enforcement, Bad-Actors: Heliconia. Other Risks, Bring Your Own Key, Consumer behaviour, Spreadsheets, Complexity, Twitter alternatives. Disinformation, Health, Safety, Environment, Economy, More FTX/Crypto. Russia v. Ukraine. And more.

PCI Compliance and Payments

News and announcements relating to Payment Security, PCI, Card Brands, Payments, Payment Malware and Fraud, and Payment Related Compliance.

Breaches / Ransomware / Leaks

Covering breaches, leaks, data exposures, ransomware (as potential breach), and their fallout.


Articles about privacy related news, risks, and trends.

Laws, Regulations, Platforms, Standards, and Public Policy

News about laws, regulations, platform rules, and standards affecting security, privacy, technology, and public interest.

Emerging technology and Innovations

Covering developments and risks with new technologies including AI, Quantum Computing, Cryptography:

Defense / Techniques / Solutions

Covering developments and opportunities that may help improve security.

Bugs / Design Flaws / Vulnerabilities / Research

Articles about newly discovered vulnerabilities and research.

Hacking / Malware / Cybercrime / Exploitation

News covering active trends, alerts, events.

Bad-Actors / Nation-States / APTs / Cyber-Mercenaries

News covering Nation-State Actors, APTS, Hacking Groups, Mercenaries, Espionage, and the Notorious:

Other Security / Risk

Articles covering other types of risks.

Russia v. Ukraine

News and announcements relating to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Off-Topic / Science & Tech / Lighter Side

A variety of scientific, technical, historical, and more light-hearted news.

This Week's [in]Security - Issue 268

1 min read

This Week's [in]Security - Issue 268

Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. PCI and payments: e-com skimmers. New breaches: Malaysia. Kubernetes, TrustStamp. New Ransomware: Countries,...

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This Week's [in]Security - Issue 293

This Week's [in]Security - Issue 293

Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. So long PCI PA-DSS. Twitter turmoil. New breaches: TransUnion, Deutsche Bank, Thales, Medibank, Continental. New...

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This Week's [in]Security - Issue 286

1 min read

This Week's [in]Security - Issue 286

Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. Credit Card skimming & fraud surge: Magento, Linkedin Smartlinks, Google Tags, smartphone 2fa bypass, fake...

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